Albert ZakAlbert Zak


An "Operating System" for the Edge

Presented at SRDS 2022

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Presented at the Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) 2022 PhD track.

Poster titled: Interactive Programming as an 'Operating System' for Resilience in Distributed Systems presented at the Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) in Vienna, Austria in 2022

Interactive Programming
as an
"Operating System"
for Resilience in Distributed Systems


find data model + editing ui

User interactions (front end)#

Data model (back end)

immutable log of atomic facts

EAVT (entity, attribute, value, time)
capabilities and event handlers


Related work#

Lisp machines, Smalltalk, Multics, Erlang/OTP, Emacs, REPLs, Notebooks, Datalog, Clojure, Datomic, XTDB, APX, STEPS, Eve, Dark, Unison, Mu, WASI

plain data, immutable

plain text, embellished

effects and capabilities

library, not a framework
